However, after the arrival of Xu Le, many plans of Canghua can continue to move forward.
This means that many established rules have gradually changed.
People who can realize the change of rules can often survive from this turmoil.
Most people just don’t realize it.
"Teacher …"
Cang Ming didn’t reprimand fiercely, but turned his eyes to the battle ruins of Xu Le and Zesimi.
"Short-sightedness and prejudice have blinded many people, and Chixiao will not manage you after death.
Without the power constraint, many of you have lost the awe and self-supervision.
So it’s all right. Can the world change soon? It’s the most important thing to keep a firm foothold in this change, don’t you think? "
"Well …"
Cang Ming’s words made several people speechless, and they didn’t force an answer because they knew it would be okay even if they didn’t answer.
But this performance also makes Cang Ming’s face smile more intense.
"Take a good look, take a good look … what kind of power can be called divine power?"
The center of the battlefield has been wrapped in rain and flowers all over the sky. Xu Le seems to have no interest.
But soon …
DuDu! DuDu! DuDu!
Like a heartbeat, energy fluctuations appear in everyone’s heart.
A black bud gradually stretched out from the ground, and then the black bud grew like a runaway wild horse.
The soul-devouring tree branches devoured all the petals, and those densely branched branches were actually able to strike accurately.
Instantly pierce a few petals, then quickly the dark force corrodes the flowers and then absorbs them again.
This process is done in one go.
The original shock and awe field quickly collapsed and dissipated in just over ten seconds.
The beautiful battlefield picture before Xu Le’s hand has turned into a dead Jedi.
Black, rotten, horrible, ferocious, soul-eating trees, branches all over the battlefield.
Swallow up things with signs of life.
Whether it’s evil, weird or raining all over the sky
"miracle-soul-eating tree arrival"
This sudden reversal has shocked everyone and made them speechless.
They haven’t realized how Xu Le turned the tide until now. Zesimi’s last move has taken advantage.
He can see clearly with a strong smile on his face.
During the first explosion, Zesimi’s divine power to repair his body was delayed.
At that time, Xu Le didn’t make a real move and complied with Zesimi’s delay.
When Zesimi recovered, Xu Le didn’t talk to himself and did nothing.
At that time, he planted dark seeds into the ground.
Then a large number of dark powers were injected into the ground, allowing the soul-eating branches to grow and develop freely on the ground.
When Sozesimi’s life state is laid out and it rains all over the sky for counter-killing.
Xu Lecai is fearless and as steady as Mount Tai.
Because Zesimi’s so-called killing, the so-called encirclement has already been monitored by the soul-eating tree
He can crack it anytime he wants.
This is the battle game key.
"Interesting, interesting. I can’t believe that fighting Zesimi can be wonderful to this extent.
Zesimi is also a pity. This performance is much better than others. "
Cang Ming rubs his hands, and he is looking forward to the coming Xu Le more and more.
Xu Le set foot on the soul-eating tree.
For this kind of power that eats soul tree, he can not do it on weekdays because it is too overbearing and too publicity.
If you meet someone with an eye, you will definitely see that the soul-eating tree has a great connection with the ancient sound tree.
Such as Cang Ming

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