Bai Chi seems to have never expected that the descendants of Nuwa’s forbearance and goodness would be so heterogeneous in temperament.
What if I untie part of the seal for you?
Bai Chi didn’t know what to do after he had to realize that he was telling the truth.
Can just say this sentence.
It seems that I expect tourmaline to change my mind in this way.
Tourmaline shook his head calmly, but you don’t have to let us go. You are still sealed. If you have nothing to do, you can unseal my body and part of it.
How can you be so stubborn?
Bai Chi’s golden eyes seem to have some fire. They suddenly stare at Wan to protrude their eyes.
If I don’t let you go at all, then you stay.
Really? Since this place is sealed, you will definitely not go, and although we are very interested in coming in, we can’t stay here for long. If you don’t send us, we can still find a way to go.
If you really don’t go here, there’s nothing wrong with it. My sister is full of aura. If she stays here for a long time, I think it would be great if her sister’s youth Shou Yuan would be extended by the permanent residence.
Tourmaline looks very adaptable.
Bai Chi is even more angry.
Tourmaline, you are the king. How can you be so dependent on human temperament?
I want to follow my heart.
The robbery of the Nuwa clan may come in the future, and I don’t know how long it will take. No matter who you are, the most noble royal family should always make achievements.
In this way, I’ll explain some of your seals to you, so that you can quickly enter the mature stage and seal them in the later stage. It’s best if you can solve them.
If you can’t, I won’t insist on it. I hope you can stand up when the disaster of Nuwa clan really comes.
This is not your righteousness, but I will untie part of the seal for you in return.
Tourmaline, which was still high in Bai Chi before coming, will surely beg him to untie his seal.
I never thought that the situation was the other way around.
Tourmaline, he has a big heart and doesn’t want to unlock it.
I want to be an ordinary descendant of Nuwa with a little spiritual power and live an ordinary life as a human woman.
Instead, he has to unlock such conditions to lure him into agreeing to what he should do.
Bai Chi thinks this situation is really weird.
But he had to do it again.
Because the seal imposed on his body is a combination of all the legal forces of the descendants of a generation of Nu Wa.
Even if he is already a sacred beast of heaven and earth, he will break the seal like this.
You have to wait until the world is the overlord of tourmaline.
On this day, he has been sleeping in this place for 10 thousand years
Today, it’s good that tourmaline has passed away, but it’s not the overlord he imagined.

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