The knife is like a pearl and a moon.
Ran Ran Teng
The moon is like a knife. A knife can divide heaven and earth, seize ghosts and gods, kill all obstacles and become demons.
Killing all the people is magic.
This knife is brilliant before killing.
This knife oppresses all ages and has a domineering attitude of being the only one in the world.
It is both a bully and a unique weapon.
A knife cuts through the ages, heavy but irresistible.
Faint, heavy and chaotic
It has become dark in Li Zhichang Bridge.
The only knife seems to come like moonlight and cannot be avoided.
He gave birth to a sea of mind that had never been aware of, and it seemed to turn black.
Finally shrouded in black gas
Emotions, sorrows, joys and sorrows surged in my heart, and all kinds of emotions collided with gv 10.
Although itself is too unshakable.
But you can’t get rid of this shadow and clear this mystery.
At this time, the demon Lord’s body has disappeared, as if the moon’s light and shadow face can no longer be seen clearly.
Cold so to Li Zhichang, he has returned Li Zhichang’s negativity to him. At this moment, he is the immortal real monty Lord.
Is that you can no longer synchronize with Li Zhichang, even if you devour each other’s flesh and blood and soul, you can’t achieve the expected results
This side is equal to the difference between reincarnation and possession.
If not, he found that even if he was as ordinary as the other party, Li Zhichang’s strange and detached state of mind could not be completely repeated
This is what annoys him most. He has never seen such a strange yogi.
For those guys like Sakyamuni and Manjusri, he can’t touch their mood, but for Li Zhichang, he can feel that it’s just that it’s completely wrong when it’s reproduced.
Li Zhichang’s heart shows all kinds of himself at the moment.
Sometimes great sorrow and sometimes great joy.
Sometimes glaring, sometimes wide-eyed, and sometimes melancholy.
Sometimes compassion, sometimes anger and mania.
These are all inseparable aspects of yourself.
Even if it’s too forgetful, how can these inherent things be thrown away?
Even the Buddha has a moment of anger. Obviously, it is not the most appropriate choice to give up feelings and desires.
The first chapter Bai Longma
Knife light, like moonlight, doesn’t stay tilted at all.
This knife almost condensed the past and lit up the future.
It seems that there is a magical power to pull and extend this static two-dimensional world into a real three-dimensional world.
The shadow of monty is getting weaker and lighter, and the knife light is getting brighter and brighter.
It seems that a touch of pale moonlight has become a bright moonlight, like the Tianhe water pouring in.
At the moment, Li Zhichang is clinging to the heart of Ggv 10, and I am still a little dusty and different around me, and I am bored with flying around.
All kinds of evil spirits are shaken and tempted, and foreign magic swords are destroyed.
Diplomatic attack is doomed unless it changes color and does not change its strength.
The knife finally came, and the heart was still jumping from the chest. Finally, without hesitation, even the heart was cut in half to reveal different blood in black and red.
Li Zhichang finally opened his eyes and eyebrows and stretched without pain.
The whole person dissipates along with the magic gas, and only Chang Jianming lasts for a long time.
The devil’s light shadow stared at Li Zhichang’s body without joy and doubt
Because he can’t sense the residual information of Li Zhichang as if he had never appeared.
A little flame suddenly gives birth to a little flame, and a little spark is like a lamp.
Since ancient times, it has been lit forever.
It is said that spiritual fire can be ignited when spiritual practice reaches a certain limit.
This is both fire and Tao.
The fire in the material world can annihilate the spirit and ignite the flame, but it can last forever. Truth is the flame of truth.
This flame ended in the past, but it melted Li Zhichang’s spirit into some unspeakable truth of the universe.
It seems that although all things disappear, the truth is eternal and the fire cannot be extinct.
This is what all practitioners pursue.
With this flame, you can establish your own orthodoxy and lead people to immortality.
The road in front of Li Zhichang is clear, but this fire can light up the front when he is dark and hazy, and he is no longer confused
The whole still world seems to be ignited.

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