"yes! All units pay attention to action as planned! "
Chapter 1251 Lock the victory
In the darkness, the Leishan moved silently, but the ship’s soldiers had already taken action.
The first fire of the naval gun, all the naval gun departments aim at the direction of the enemy ship, and the highest firing rate is fired again and again. Every time the gun mouth shoots out of the flame, it will illuminate the vicinity of the Leishan, which makes this dark warship feel a little violent.
The salvo of naval guns lasted for half a minute, but if it hadn’t been for the Leishan shell, it would have continued to fight.
However, there is still a transport ship behind. After the shelling, the transport ship came to two warships and sent a large number of shells to Leishan.
Soon after, the Leishan cannon roared again
After two rounds of shelling, the Leishan artillery stopped temporarily.
It’s not that Yip Han doesn’t want to continue, but that the shells of the transport ship are all gone. What’s left is not armor-piercing shells, nuclear shells and armor-piercing shells. This is not the right time.
After the shooting stopped for more than ten minutes, the Leishan finally caught fire again.
This time, it’s the turn of the magnetic cannon to break away from the gun bore with a light sound-this time, it’s not a standard shell, but a package of longan-sized metal fragments!
These metal fragments are cut from the waste parts of the ship. They are just like super-shotguns. The farther they fly after leaving the chamber, the larger their distribution area will be.
In this way, Ye Han, a super shotgun, prepared hundreds of pieces to search all the waste parts of Leishan and the transport ship.
Blow up all the super shotgun Leishan in one breath and be silent again.
More than ten minutes later, the missiles in the ship’s missile nests hit the nests one by one, and the missiles rushed out of the nests, dragging tail smoke and flying away from the warship. After leaving the ship, they quickly turned to aim at the direction of the enemy ship and flew away.
The last missile flew out of the bomb nest and hit the hatch. The Leishan was silent again.
If anyone who doesn’t know the situation sees this scene, most of them can’t figure out what the Leishan is doing.
The truth is not complicated at all. It is because of the different speeds of these weapons that it is not a big problem when the targets are close, but today, when different targets are located 24 seconds away, it is necessary to fire them in batches to ensure that the shells fly to the target at the same time.
It takes half an hour from the first shell to the last missile leaving the ship!
The middle leaf culvert on the bridge watched the missiles fly away and watched them extinguish the tail flame. He took a breath and asked, "How far is it?"
"17 light seconds"
"What about the expected contact time?"
"About 30 minutes with an error of no more than 20 seconds."
"Twenty seconds?" Yip hon eyebrows locked "too long"
"It’s a little long," Lu nodded approvingly, "but this level is already our limit."
Yip hon sighed. "Let’s wait … what about the Nanzhou?"
Luo Qi quickly replied, "The troops are being organized to release at least two divisions!"
"No guns?"
"I haven’t finished yet. Maybe I want to be safe." Luo jiaqi guessed.
Yip hon nodded. "Let me know when anything happens!"
Yip hon was silent for a moment and sighed with regret that "the more you get to this time, the slower you go. It’s like a year."
"Yeah, counting every second is too slow to death." Luo Qima echoed.
Lu suggested, "find something to do to distract yourself, and it will be soon."
"Forget it. No matter what I do, that’s all I can think about!" Said yip hon pointed to the home screen.
Road at that time "there are 36 minutes …"
"Don’t wake me up!" Yip hon quickly stopped "forget it, forget it, I’ll look for it and don’t bother me!" "
Road corners of the mouth sobbed almost didn’t laugh.
Yip hon brought up the library and flipped through it. I don’t know what I found. I looked at it bit by bit, but I was very immersed in it. It was because I glanced at the main screen from time to time and betrayed his heart.
Finally, Lu just wanted to wake up. Ye Han had raised his head first and stared at the screen and shouted "Yes!"
It has been 70 minutes since the first shot, and the distance between the enemy ship Leishan has also been reduced from 24 seconds to 5 seconds.
Hear yip hon words all eyes turned to the main screen, everyone eyes unblinkingly afraid of missing the key details.
The main screen was dark, and neither shells nor missiles could be seen, but enemy ships could be seen.
Just a few seconds later, a series of flame explosions suddenly exploded in the virtual space, just in front of the enemy ship.
Although we can’t see it, everyone knows that countless shrapnel are hitting the enemy ship head-on at this moment.
Yip hon clenched his fist excitedly and drank a lottery secretly in his heart.
The alien did well in the battle not long ago, and it seems that the shells can be seen. He has been worried that the enemy will find the problem.
However, the enemy ships showed no signs of evading before … This result is very problematic, but he paid all his attention to the battlefield and didn’t think about it.

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